Contact lenses, when used properly, are very convenient and, with the latest advancements in technology, are extremely comfortable. Contact lenses are small lenses worn on the surface of the eye to correct vision.
We are happy to discuss the options available for you. Many patients choose contact lenses for their primary vision correction and glasses for an alternative or part-time wear.
Many patients prefer to wear glasses for the majority of their day, but have activities and events where they'd rather not wear their glasses and choose contact lenses for these times.
If you are a first-time wearer, click here for wearing instructions.
The type of contact lenses available has grown greatly in the past five years. There are now contact lenses available for almost everyone. New contacts are being introduced every year, meaning many of our patients who were unable to wear contacts in the past are finding great success with them now. You owe it to yourself to see what is new. We carry many options, and promise to do our best in selecting contact lenses that you will love wearing. The following is a brief list of some of the options available. During your contact lens appointment a significant portion of the exam is spent discussing your visual needs in order to determine which contact lens style and design will best suite you.
Soft lenses are very comfortable and come in a variety of types, depending on the wearer’s needs. Conventional soft lenses are worn during the day, and cleaned and stored at night in an enzymatic cleaner, which removes protein deposits. These lenses can last for a year or more if your prescription stays the same and you take good care of them.
These lenses are similar to conventional soft lenses except they are replaced more frequently. Oftentimes, they are worn for one-month periods and then replaced. Other frequent replacement soft lens types are worn two to three months before they are replaced. Like conventional soft lenses, they have to be cleaned and stored at in an enzymatic cleaner to remove protein deposits.
Disposable soft lenses are much more popular than conventional soft lenses. These lenses are worn for a period of time and then, of course, thrown away. The most well-known disposables last for two weeks. There are also one-week and one-day disposables. These are perfect for many patients who were told they could not wear contact lenses because of allergies or mild dry eye conditions. They have a low cost per lens and are also popular for athletes and hobbyists who do not necessarily want to wear contact lenses every day.
Next, you have tinted soft lenses, available in conventional, disposable, or frequent replacement types. With tinted soft lenses, you can change or enhance your eye color. Even if you do not need corrective lenses, you can use “plano” colored contacts to change your eye color. It is important to be fitted by an eye doctor for colored contact lenses even if you do not need a prescription; wearing the wrong style can damage your eyeball.
Recent technology has greatly improved bifocal soft lenses. Many patients past their 40s who need bifocals can now enjoy the comfort and benefits of soft contact lenses.
Toric lenses are used to correct astigmatism. Astigmatism is a vision condition where an irregularly shaped cornea affects the vision. In the past, the only options for those with astigmatism were either glasses or hard gas permeable contact lenses. But toric lenses, which are lenses with a special shape, now offer an alternative.
As the name implies, these lenses are hard and gas permeable. If you’ve been told you cannot wear soft lenses, RGP lenses are often a great alternative. RGP lenses are available in specialized designs to correct just about any vision disorder.
There are a variety of solutions available from many different manufacturers. The important thing to remember is that not every solution is right for every type of contact lens. Some contact lenses require the use of multipurpose solutions, while others require separate solutions for the four steps in contact lens care: disinfecting, cleaning, rinsing, and enzyming. Use only the lens solutions that are recommended by the eye doctor. If you wish to change brands, check with our office first.
Few things affect the quality of your life more than your eyes--never put them at risk. Contact lenses are prescription medical devices. To make sure your eyes and vision stay healthy while wearing contact lenses, please follow these few guidelines or the instructions recommended by your doctor.
RISK: Contact lenses are foreign objects. They reduce oxygen to your eye and handling them increases the amount of bacteria, viruses, and fungi you are exposed to. There is an increased risk for infections, corneal abrasions, and allergic reactions. Over wear or tight lenses can cause blood vessels to grow into the cornea. Ocular complications and/or long-term corneal damage are often the consequences of contact lenses that are worn longer than recommended. Oftentimes, your lenses will still feel good even when you are over-wearing them. Do not wear your lenses overnight. Overnight wear increases the risk of infection and other complications. Fairbanks Climate: Dry eyes can increase risk of infection. Dry air and eyes can also cause lenses to tighten on your eye. If you EVER note that the lens doesn't move off the center of your eye easily, please report this. There is also a higher incident of staph infection in the winter. These don't always cause pain but they can leave scars. Please have us inspect any unusual redness that you notice.
When cared for properly, soft contact lenses provide healthy, comfortable, and convenient vision correction. The following guidelines are intended to help you avoid problems and enjoy the benefits of soft contact lenses while still understanding the risks and risk avoidance.